Tess's Christmas prompt is Bert Stern's iconic portrait of a Hollywood icon. (The idea of putting new words to a seasonal tune comes from Magpie No.20. Thank you, Frances)
Monroe Doctoring
heads down town in search of a thrill.
Finds blonde tottie
sumptuous bottie!
Certainly fills his bill.
Ooo-err! Star of "Misfits"
sixties best,
star of the Gynormous Chest
self supporting, gets him snorting,
(Bet she thinks "He's a pest.")
All she wears at night is Chanel.
drives her suitors wild with the smell
really flighty
minus nightie
(Wishes they'd go to H***)
Ooo-err! etc
Finds tonight his backache is bad
(Want to bet that makes her feel glad?)
Pretends she's willing
but pain's killing
daydreams of Jack the Lad
Ooo-err! etc
Two cupfuls of Panadol
still his interest seems to loll.
Says with sorrow
"Back tomorrow"
She thinks that's very droll.
Ooo-err! etc
Poor lost lass, she'd never a chance.
Men brought lust disguised as romance.
Flesh inspectors
film directors
led her a dreadful dance.
Ooo-err! etc
Notes. President Kennedy suffered much from backache, probably because he found it difficult to get into a comfortable position. "Monroe Doctoring" is a play on words and on the prompt which our friends across The Pond will surely understand.