1. The washing machine began to rumble ominously in its final 1200 r.p.m. spin.
2. The coffee mugs on the shelf above the rumbling washing machine began to dance.
3. My Better-Half said "What is wrong with the washing machine?"
4. I said, "It's rumbling. Ominously. I will switch it off."
5. I hauled the washing machine out from under the counter (In the UK we call them "work tops", OK?)
6. I took the top cover off the washing machine.
7. I saw that one of the retaining springs on the drum was broken.
8. I went to get my tool box.
9. I could not find my tool box. I called to my Better-Half, "Have you seen my tool box?"
10. My Better-Half replied "Yes." This was probably literally true, but not very helpful.
11. I found my tool box, but by this time I could not remember why I needed it. I thought, "If I go back the way I came, I will probably be reminded why I needed my tool box before I get there." I am full of good ideas like this. But it was a while before I could remember I had come from the washing machine. I stood my ground, thinking. Ah, yes! The washing machine.
12. When I got back to the washing machine, I could not remember where I had found my tool box or why I needed it. I noticed he coffee cups had stopped dancing. Except for the one that had danced off the shelf and shattered on the tile floor. Surely that's not why I needed my tool box?
13. My Better-Half called "I have phoned for the domestic appliance repairman."