Tess at Willow Manor works assiduously to deliver weekly prompts to fire up our muses. This week, a . . a . . whatever is this thing? A typewriting machine? How very 20th century!
Here's a great tip I read somewhere. Look at the layout of your Mac, typewriter or PC keyboard - the alphabet characters I mean. Never mind the "~" and "\" and "≠" and so on. Mine begins "Q W E R T Y" Not that it matters if yours is different. Given the choice I wouldn't have gone for that particular sequence, but applestore.co.uk had nothing else. So much for the genius of Steve Jobs.
Now . . you can't think what to write? O.K. Just write a passage, anything at all that strikes you as long as it makes sense - not always easy. Use 26 words, no more, no fewer, the first letter of each word to be the letters on your keyboard taken in order, left to right, top row to bottom row. Seriously, if you can do that, you can do anything.
"Quite When Eric Realized That Yvonn'es Umbrella Imploding Presaged A Disaster Few Guessed. His Juggling Kites, Lawnmowers, Zoophiles, Xylophones Caused Various Belated Moaning Noises < > ?"
On second thoughts I think I prefer Writer's block . . . . and anyway, the "M" and the "N" are the wrong way round.