Apr 28, 2015

Apologies to Mr.Auden . . .

Tess prompts us with a dramatic picture of a steam locomotive hauling a train across (I think) the beautiful curving viaduct in Glenfinnan at the head of Glen Shiel in Lochaber, Scotland.

This week Frances Garrood has posted a splendid parody of one of English Lits. most overquoted poems.  I'll have a go at another.

I am the Snail Mail crossing the border
letters with stamps on are plain out of order.
Now it's tweets for the rich, and tweets for the poor
And FYI, Luv U for the redhead next door.
I've got parcels from A'zon, some of them Prime
but I'm not right bothered if I'm not on time.
Past ruined farmsteads and flooded remains
and vast heaps of farm-stuff that smell like the drains,
puffing and wheezing and gasping and choking
I'll be glad when I'm pensioned and I can stop smoking.

Mr. Auden stayed with the train all the way to Glasgow accompanied by Benjamin Britten.  I hopped off a Carlisle to listen to their collaboration.