Jul 10, 2010

Mrs. Trellis . . . .

 . . .  invites followers and fans to guess why the Class was Cancelled or even Ancelled!  No!  No! Sorry!  That's altogether too easy, innit?    Guess how the car got parked where it did . . .  

BTW . . . Google Images is full of this sort of thing.  Search on "Amazing Accidents", "Silly Accidents" etc.  And MIND HOW YOU GO!  You wouldn't want your class to be cancelled just because you came in through the window . . .


  1. If this is your version of a cryptic crossword, I'M NOT PLAYING.

    (I'm hopeless at those...:(....) So nice to see you back though, Dear Doctor.

  2. Naw Naw, Deborah . . . it's just a pic of a policewoman appearing not to notice that a car has come in through the window, missing her by inches and only just missing her printer . . .
    One of the neatest cryptic Xword clues I ever came across was "Dark Horse" (9) to which the answer was "Nightmare." Mrs.Trellis would have been beside herself . . .

  3. I was playing, but Blogger banished me from the field, and wiped my comment from the scoreboard. I have now retired to the locker room, and am hiding in a dark corner...

  4. J and D . . . something odd has happened to this blog. "New Post" won't let me in to post anything. For Very Silly Posts I am renting space on Fridge Soup until I get this blog sorted . . .

  5. Now this morning, I'm being told The Very Silly Blog doesn't exist...things are getting sillier by the minute! How apt!

  6. I can't possibly explain the whole sad story. Look at it this way. What we have here is a restored and redesigned version on "Stop . . This is Getting Very Silly" . . which got corrupted during the redesign. I think everything is OK now, but if not I will join Jinksy in her dark corner of the locker room.


Thank you for stopping by. To make life easier for you I have turned off the new indecipherable and time-wasting verification words. Would you care to "feedback" to Blogger and complain about them, like I did?