Jan 6, 2012

The Beast Within

Fireblossom in the Imaginary Garden With Real Toads wants us to "show her what wild thing is hiding within you, you animals!"

An Epiphany

An anthropomorphist called Maurice
discovered he was a Slow Loris.

He complained (through a yawn)

"I wish I'd been born
a fleet of foot racehorse called Doris"


  1. Very clever! Short and amusing, well done indeed!

  2. Not all of us can be fleet of foot! There are benefits to taking one's time (at least you don't get put down if you break a leg!)

  3. Did you know a slow loris has a toxic bite? Should we be worried if you ever leave a biting comment? LOL
    Mind you, I knew a Doris who could do the same thing...

  4. Hmmm...I was sure there was a hedgehog hiding somewhere within. Not sure why, but I would have bet money on it.

  5. A lovely limerick--and sometimes the race is not to the swift.

  6. Terrific limerick. I should like to come back as a cat - a pet cat of course, spoiled rotten.

  7. Hehe, cheered up a dull afternoon.

  8. The loris is an awesome animal. I remember learning about him on the Kratt Brothers.

  9. Too funny! I love the Limerick feel to it.

  10. love this! there's a terrific children's picture book called Slow Loris, by Alexis Deacon, about how the reason the slow loris is slow is that he's up partying all through the night. you should take a look! :)

  11. Great limerick! And as beautiful as Doris is I think that Slow Loris is squeezably adorable.


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