Jul 5, 2011

Magpie Tales#72

Tess at Willow Manor offers us one of Van Gogh's masterpieces this week . .

This painting has much in common with many of the Mapie responses. It is awesome!
It seems a pity, therefore, to once again lower the tone. But lowering the tone as an antidote to piety is de rigeur here, and is in no way intended to disparage Van Gogh's genius, or the earnest efforts of fellow bloggers.

There once was an artist called Vince
who was short of two ounces of mince.
So he sliced off his ear
marinaded in beer
and he hasn't heard anything since.


  1. we all have a point of view. often times comedy comes from tragedy. i can appreciate your wanting to approach it from a different angle. i, myself, don't "get it" as van gogh is my favorite artist (and from his struggling came such beauty), but i do respect you for writing from your point of view.

  2. Heheh - love your irreverent POV

  3. Love your limerick take on the masterpiece!!!

  4. You're very naughty as well as Very Silly, Doctor. You risk offending the Rednecks who've never even come across the word "irony" never mind knowing what it means. K.U.T.G.W!

  5. Where would the world be without irony? A much duller place! Long may it add spice to life, Doc! :)
    But for goodness sake,somebody translate Lucy's K.U.T.G.W. for me, before my mind goes into meltdown?! LOL
    Thinks:- Kick Up The ??... Here my imagination fails...and my curiosity grows.

  6. Jinksy . . I know how you feel. We'll just have to hope Lucy looks back to see comments on her comment.

  7. heh heh - even old Vince would giggle at this one....!

    And Jinksy - about Lucy's KUTGW? I've no street cred or young blood about me but I think it's simply Keep Up The Good Work...?

  8. That is an awesome limerick =)

  9. Dear Dr. FTSE: hAhA!!! Mincingly lyrical; a very funny limerick especially as a Lime Ricky made into a humourously drunken song! You got the goods Doc!

  10. Luckily, Lucy knows about emails! The letters stand for "Keep Up The Good Work", she explained. :) Good job my curiosity brings me back to look more than once... LOL

  11. Do you people you know well ever tell you to just BE SERIOUS FOR ONCE, DAMMIT!!

  12. Jinksy . . Thank you. I will try to K.U.T.G.W!
    Deborah . . when I do "serious" the people who know me well say "Are you trying to be funny?"

  13. What would life be without 'not serious'?? Dull. Very dull!


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