Feb 24, 2011

Monday's Child#34

Ever since that PG Tips commercial, chimps have been wondering . . .  thanks, bkm, for the prompt reminder

"Imagine that!  Using her hand to hold a teacup!  What does she think her feet are for?"


  1. Wonderful, playful take. Can see this in the expressions.

  2. Cute! My son, when he was about a year, would put his feet up on the table to help him eat! He would scoot the food towards him with his foot and then use his hands to eat. He did this for about 4 months. Of course, the day I decide to film it, he never does it again. I do have a few photos I will terrorize him with someday. :)

  3. Oh I am glad you saw he kept seeing straight at his foot...I think you got it!!! The hidden message in this fine illuration....bkm

  4. When I had thinner thighs I could do all kinds of things with my feet, like pick up tea cups and pencils. Hmmm, have I said too much? ;-)

  5. Is it just me, or can anyone else see a cowboy called Buffalo Bill standing at the gate?

  6. Yes, Rall, now you mention it! Also, if you look carefully, you'll see there's a dormouse in the teapot

  7. Heidi . . . when I had thinner thighs I found my pants kept falling down in the bakery aisle. That was the downside. The upside was . . a whole new technique for picking up pencils

  8. That got a BIG laugh from me this morning!! Well done (and thanks for the connectivity! ;-))

  9. oh this was just fabulous! loved it! xo

  10. Please feel free to share 1 to 3 poems with our potluck poetry today, first time participants could use old poems or poems unrelated to our theme, Thanks..
    Happy Monday!

    love your blog, your poetry is impressive!


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