Dec 26, 2010

Poetry Bus 27th. December.

To enhance the Festivities, Muse Swings asks for poems to celebrate the worst, most useless present you ever  were given . .  or, if you're brave enough, ever gave!

I phoned my friend, who said
"I fear I'm going bald!"
He will be glad I called!
He should anoint his head
from which the hair has spalled
with Preparation ZED.

I sent some as a gift,
and thought that that was that.
He'll soon have a fine mat.
My present caused a rift.
"ZED" did not baldness shift -
He now talks through his hat!


  1. Hilarious! And the before and after photos are class!

  2. This is a stitch and the pictures are worth a thousand words- or another funny poem! Thanks for taking a seat on the bus!

  3. Up to your standard again, Doctor. Love the (photoshopped?) caps.

  4. I can't quit laughing at Preparation Zed and the After photo .. how about a little head ?
    Use Preparation Zed :)

  5. Hysterical poem with illustrations to match!!!

  6. I like this!! I have several bald friends who would have tried your preparation zed, regardless of head shrinking side-effects! Happy New Year!

  7. truly laughing out loud here on the west coast of USA....can you hear me now?

  8. Some of us are bald under our red berets . . but even we cannot help laughing.


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