Oct 1, 2012

Grumble, Grumble.

Tess calls up one of Francesca Woodman's oddball photographs for our prompt this week.

It Must Be Time For Lunch Now, 1979, by Francesca Woodman

"So is this one the fork you say you just dropped?  There's loads of them . . and I'm getting cramp under here.  Look for yer own forks, why not?  Besides, I want me lunch. Some people . . "



  1. Amazing that one sees dark sadness and another light humor. Great job.

  2. Good one. It's nice to smile at this typically bleak Woodman.

  3. Oy vey .. the noive of some folk!!!

  4. Lol, my grandma always said when one dropped a piece of silverware it mean company's coming. I guess there'll be a party there!

    1. You mean . . you can't mean - you're actually coming to visit? Wheeeee!

  5. Doctor, you are too hilarious. I could hear that voice, an old soul who wants no silly business around her food. Too funny, indeed ;-)

  6. I don't know about Other Mary's Granny's dropped forks - I only know about dropping a clanger at times!
    Nice touch of humour gleaned from a dour picture, Doc.

  7. I'm so glad someone else can't take this....interesting photo seriously. Lovely!

  8. This is so funny ~ Enjoyed your take ~

  9. I'm with you on this, and for the first time I didn't use the image and forked off in a different direction for mine. This is the perfect response to a rather odd image and it made me smile!

  10. Ah, but how to be sure it's the right one? Line them all up, now...

  11. Sometimes it's best to use your fingers...


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