Nov 30, 2012

Brrrr . . and Baa . .

G-Man asks for 55 words.  I offer this thought for a wintry evening.

UK weather has turned cold so I'm wearing my fleece. It's blue with elastic at the wrists. It has no pockets. Hardly surprising. Whoever saw a sheep with pockets? It has a zipp, although I for one have never seen a sheep with a zipp even though they'd be easier to shear.  What do you think?



  1. A sheep with a zip
    would make a snip
    once a year outdated.
    Shearing is overrated
    as a manly sport.
    Now, here's a thought -
    what if our hairline
    had a zip? It'd be fine
    for a bald pate refit
    anytime! OK, I'm a nit... :)

    Jolly 55 Doc, despite it's blueness!

  2. Looks like you've got the no-pocket-zip-up-wooly-bully blues!

  3. I think your Daft!!!!
    But thats part of your personna...:-)
    Loved your fleecy 55 Doc
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

    1. Not daft, Galen. It's just that "My Head Moves in a Mysterious Way its Wonders to Perform."

  4. Zippered sheep! How lovely come spring...


  5. No pockets? That is what a fanny pack is for :) I love that color blue - but I've never seen blue sheep nor ones with zippers - maybe that is a British breed? :)

    1. Fanny Pack! We call them "Bum Bags", Margaret. I don't know, ever since you stole our American Colonies yer English has been gradually goin' to pot.

    2. I have to admit, I LOVE "original" English. For example, calling one's Mom "Mum" is so endearing to my ear. :)

  6. I've never seen a sheep with a zipper either.

    1. Unzipp before you dipp! (Sheep, I mean, of course.)

  7. In future, genetically engineered sheep will all come with zippers, but coats with no pockets seem a regression to cave man days. Wooly and wonderful 55, Doc.


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