Nov 3, 2015

Mag 292

Tess prompts us with this still from a recent CCTV recording in an airport, location unspecified.

"Let's come to an agreement, officer.   I'm prepared to declare this white rabbit, but not the suitcases  of crystal meth hidden under my skirt."



  1. Gives a whole new meaning to Cargo Pants! :-)

  2. Lol! Jinksy!

    That meth actually turned her lips blue! Good to see you this week.

  3. Hahaha - Jinksy! You and the Doctor should do stand up together!

  4. I was wondering what was under that skirt...

  5. hahah! that's why the skirt is so inflated!

  6. Off topic, but it can't be drifting away from earth.

  7. I guess you mean the Moon? In fact, the Moon's average distance from the Earth is increasing by 38mm per year. You can find references to this, as well as the reason for it, by Googling "Earth-Moon distance" (or similar)


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