Jun 1, 2014

Tess leaves another intriguing prompt for Mag 222.

Reader . . . try to imagine yourself reading this post without moving your lips or teeth - otherwise the young lady might swallow the capsule and then . . who knows.

"Now risten, you horriga riddle salesrady. I have done many gad things in my useress, wasted rife. Gut guying this shade of ripstick was the rast  straw.  So give me my money gack . . . or I'rr CHOMP!  Then you'rr be sorry!"



  1. OMG ... too late, I swallowed it!

  2. Had a lo'a 'un reading 'is aloud wi' a 'encil in gy teesh 'Sank you,Doc! LOL

  3. I've bit on te dablets - I'm not as tink as tum teople pink I am but the stander I long her the drinker I got!

  4. Good one.. creative and funny take on the prompt. I love it.

  5. A kind of reverse hard sell ......

  6. Funny!!! It's hard to talk without moving lips or teeth!!

  7. owch owch I bit down on my wedded pencil...now I yam doomed. lordy you are funny!

  8. I coughed out the pill and read it again!

  9. "Stop!...This is getting very SILLY" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.



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