Apr 30, 2012

Are you over 18?

Tess at Willow Manor has trawled the www again, and come up with a picture prompt which you can see at Magpie#115 along with many worthwhile responses.  A skilled manipulator of images has doctored it for me here, as you see . . .

In his bath sat a webgeek called Brindle
downloading soft porn to his Kindle.
Has he never been told
as the water gets cold
he'll find that his interest will dwindle?



  1. I really like this one! Not a prompt to be taken seriously ( though many did!).

  2. Like Frances and me you went for the good old limerick, along with a few other Magpies. It does rather lend itself to the form and yours works nicely. You had his interests dwindling and I had him revealing his assets, so we were topical too :)

  3. Very funny ... a while back I heard that sales of Mills & Boon had rocketed as people no longer felt too embarrassed to read them on their kindles - now I will consider what else the kindle readers are flicking through on their morning commutes.

  4. This ranks as one of your best, Dr. You're just too good.

  5. Clever, refreshing - and very good.

  6. Interest will dwindle! cool thanks.

  7. snort...lol...yeah cold water will def deter the process...

  8. A kindle in the bath
    might give one a laugh.
    but in bed at 4 a.m.
    it's certainly not glam
    when a note upon it's screen
    says 'The battery has been -
    and gone - nearly!

    Mock not, this is a true tale of woe!
    But what's it worth for me to top up your bath with hot water once in a while? LOL

  9. How funny! The first thing that popped into my brain was 'George and his shrinkage problem' on that epic Seinfeld episode!

  10. well, if he wasn't told, he will soon find out! ha ha Thanks for this "spot of fun" (Isn't that what they say on your side of the pond? :)

  11. If he downloaded the harder stuff he'd get less of a Kindle dwindle........perhaps....maybe.......*who me?*

  12. Ha! Helena... a Kindle dwindle! Well said. This is such a funny limerick, Dr. Too bad you need to imagine the laughter. Wish I could share it. Thank you. =D

  13. oh hahahah you are so funny! I love love your limericks! Much bettah than mine!

  14. Hilarious, great limerick Dr FTSE! It'll dwindle definitely!


  15. A1 and wonderful and stupendous and and ... I think I like it!

  16. Hahaha - that's awful and wonderful!


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